Hitting the road before being prepared can be avoided by learning our 30 RV tips and tricks to a better experience. You will be surprised by the simplest things you can do to make your life easier and astonished by the the things you would have never imagined. Traveling in an RV should be a wonderful time without stress. Read our list of RV tips and start your journey off right.
30 RV Tips and Tricks
- Need a fire, but you don’t have the proper lighting material? A $2 bag of corn tortilla chips will really heat things up. Pour the chips into a pile and set them ablaze. The saturation of oil makes the flames dance!
- Get rid of those pesky wasps from your propane compartment with this simple and easy trick. Buy a cheap flea collar for pets and hang it up in the space. Those organic drones will stay away.
- Rent a mail forwarding address. You will need RV mail if you are traveling full time or part time across the country. This is a way to get your mail and packages delivered to a long term address.
- Always be prepared with navigation. The last thing you want to do is waste expensive gas for your RV by getting lost. Electronic devices do not always work in patchy areas, have a paper map with you always.
- Spiders, mice and other creatures can be a real bummer when it comes to being comfortable in your RV. The alert smell of peppermint will keep these pests away. It’s all natural and smells great.
- When you eat out, load up on those tiny packets of catsup, mustard, salsa, mayo and soy sauce. This will save you money, plus you can store them easier than giant bottles of the liquid goodness.
- Going to the bathroom in your RV is convenient and a must. Don’t ruin your adventure by clogging things up. Always use biodegradable tissue paper when flushing.
- When concerning the locks of the bays on your RV, change them. Thieves take advantage of the fact that the bays are easily accessible, because the keys are interchangeable with other RVs.
- Do mosquitoes have you itching mad? Throw some of that special sage into your fire when getting cozy at night. The scent will keep those monsters away from your sweet blood.
- If you don’t have a bag of corn tortilla chips stocked away, you can also use an egg carton to start up a BBQ. Put the charcoal inside the cardboard egg carton, close it and light the sucker on fire.
- Turning the AC on all day when driving in your RV is not the best idea. The cost can be high. Avoid this mistake by driving early in the morning or later in the day. Keep the energy costs low.
- Safety first, for you and the ones that share the road with your RV. Do a walk around your parked RV before you drive off every morning. Check for any low tires, cracks or loose attachments.
- Make sure you have everything you may ever need by keeping a supply in mint tins. Keep all these small items together in a draw. You may want to include rubber bands, twist ties, paperclips, tacks and so on.
- Instead of ruining your leftovers in the microwave and wasting power, use a rice cooker instead. Add your food items, a little water and you have a delicious moist meal heated up with low wattage.
- You see those people driving their RVs like a speed demon and you have to think to yourself; what is the hurry? Slow down and save a bunch of money on gas, it’s safer too.
- Make sure you can see everything while transporting your precious cargo. Buy a couple of fish eye mirrors and stick them to your side mirrors. The extra sight advantage will keep you vigilant against bad drivers.
- When you are parked at an RV park, nature is everywhere. With that comes insects that want to crawl into your RV for a nice time. When your power supply is plugged in and laying on the ground, reverse wrap it with duct tape. The bugs will stick instead of crawling into your home.
- Keep your supply of water filters fully stocked. You may have access to water, but it can taste pretty bad. Don’t go thirsty again.
- Ovens in RVs are not allows the best for cooking your dishes because of the uneven heat. Throw one of those pizza stones in there to cook on a more even playing field.
- Mold smells and can be very bad for your health. Every time you take a shower, take the time to dry it off completely with a towel. Keep it fresh, keep it safe and keep it smelling clean.
- Take advantage of that giant ball of fire in the sky called the sun. When you are parked out in the sun, throw a solar charger on your roof and collect free electricity.
- Do not put harmful chemicals into your waste tank when it is time to clean it out. Use Borax for the best results without the use of harsh chemicals.
- Install an exhaust fan in the vent from the refrigerator. That baby gets hot and will raise the temperature in your cabin. Get the heat out and avoid using the AC.
- Make sure all alarms are in working order. And think about getting a gas detector alarm installed. Smoke isn’t the only volatile substance you need to be alerted about.
- Staying connected with people and the world is so important when unplugged from everything. Most RV parks will have Wi-Fi, but the signal is usually weak. Invest in an inexpensive Wi-Fi booster to stay connected while using that free internet.
- Spruce up the inside of your RV living space with some cheap improvements. Put blackout curtains up to block the heat from the sun and install command hooks to keep organized, while clutter free.
- Use LED lights. They are cooler and last much longer.
- Prepare for the worst. Keep a deluxe first aid kit in your RV for emergencies. Some A&D ointment and a box of dollar store band aids may not be enough in a life or death situation.
- Use a waterproof shoe rack for extra storage. Hang it on your shower curtain and keep all your shower items hanged on it. When you are cramped into a tight space, you must get creative.
- Make some nice sandwiches early in the morning for lunchtime. When you have a ready made meal, you will avoid the cost and unhealthiness of eating at sloppy burger world.
Ready to start traveling in your RV? Begin the first step and establish a permanent mailing address with RV Mail. Enjoy the benefits of an RV mailing address, like these:
- Someone to receive mail and packages full time.
- Online scanned mail archive to read online.
- Centralized mailing address while traveling the USA.
- A way to get packages, medications and checks.
- Proof of residency for new state domicile establishment.